Among possible sites in western Europe, the most evocative and sought after include:
> THE MARNE(1914 and 1918): two battles which changed the course of the Great War.
> NORMANDYThe Allied landings in June 1944.
> PROVENCE (FRENCH RIVIERA)15 August 1944: arrival of the Allies in southern France.
> HASTINGS1066: the first D-Day! |
And many others which offer a rich selection of history and geography:
> CASTILLON (1450)> WATERLOO (1815)> POITIERS (732)> ALESIA (52 B.C.)> VERDUN (1916) |
> ARDENNES/THE BULGE (1944-45)> AUSTERLITZ (1805)> PARIS (56 av. J.-C. à 1944)> BERLIN (1945)> METZ NANCY (1944) |
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